Animals Abound at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center

 Exotic animals
 Kid friendly
 Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center on Google Maps (click to follow)
 Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center (click to follow)
By Jewels Burdick
This is what happens when the Art Director writes a blog…
Smile for the camera!

Meet Darlene. She’s the amazing founder of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center.

She introduced me to Scarlett and I fell in love!

Scarlett wanted me to play with her!

She also introduced me to her two new four-month old wolves. Let’s just say it was love at first sight.

Because Scarlett got real tired after 998 photos.

And then she needed a little nap.
The end.
Editor’s note: Be sure to follow the link to the center’s website! Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center offers several types of tours and lots of opportunities to meet animals face to face. The tours and experiences are all kid friendly and the center accommodates groups and parties. The center is also looking for volunteers with varying levels of commitment. If you’ve ever been curious about the wild canines of Colorado, this tour is definitely for you!

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