2s & 3s Outdoors: Colorful Caterpillars
Explore nature with your 2 or 3 year-old through interactive activities, a story, and a short hike. $3 per person including siblings and adults. Prepaid registration required. Limit 10 participants.
Explore nature with your 2 or 3 year-old through interactive activities, a story, and a short hike. $3 per person including siblings and adults. Prepaid registration required. Limit 10 participants.
Children ages 3-6, with an adult, will enjoy puppet shows or stories, crafts, hands-on activities, and discovery time on the trail. $3 per person including siblings and adults. Prepaid registration
Foot Traffic Only Round trip distance: 1 mile No Pets Kid friendly Hanging Lake on Google Maps (click to follow) All Trails: Hanging Lake (click to follow) By Gillian Sheehan
Trail level: easy Round trip distance: .3 miles Swimming is allowed Dogs are allowed Rainbow Falls on Google Maps (click to follow) Facebook: Rainbow Falls (click to follow) By