Kelly Branyik

Growing up in the small town of Florence, Colorado, Kelly has always had a deep passion for writing. Her aspirations to be a romance novelist took her to CSU – Pueblo where she obtained her BA in English (Creative Writing). Since then, she has written for a handful of publications throughout Colorado including Fluent in Three Months, the Gazette’s Pikes Peak Editions, and the Pueblo PULP. A study abroad trip to Europe in 2012 inevitably sparked her desire to see the world. Shortly after graduating, her next greatest adventure took her to Chongqing, China for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Kelly is a published author of “It Depends: A Guide to Peace Corps” and has more novels on the way. In her spare time, she explores all corners of Colorado and pilots her own travel blog,  She loves reading books, studying Mandarin Chinese, spending time with her family, and exploring the outdoors. She currently resides in Colorado Springs.

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